Differences with Physical Therapy and PTX Therapy

Many patients find PTX therapy to be more helpful than general physical therapy. Like physical therapy, PTX therapy helps treat an abnormal physical function. This includes treatment geared towards patients who experience day-to-day pain. There are some key differences between the two treatments, however. Discover more about general physical therapy versus PTX therapy to decide which type is right for you.

About Physical Therapy

There are many types of physical therapy. These therapies help a broad range of symptoms related to injury or abnormal physical conditions. Physical therapy is conducted by a licensed medical professional known as a physical therapist. The role of a physical therapist is to help diagnose and restore physical functions. This is often through a treatment plan that includes physical activity, mobility exercises, and strengthening exercises.

There are many benefits to physical therapy including:

  • Better mobility and movement

  • Faster injury recovery

  • Managing pain without medication

  • Improving balance

  • Avoiding surgery

The Difference Between Physical Therapy and PTX

Physical therapy proves to be a successful treatment for many patients. However, the treatment can often be a general solution for a specific body part or injury. PTX focuses on the cause of the issue rather than the symptoms. It aims to restructure the body so that it functions better overall. 

Through therapeutic exercises, the body learns to operate more efficiently, reducing structural deviations. These deviations include muscle spasms, deformed ligaments, and a disrupted nervous system that causes pain in the body. With the help of PTX therapy, the body then regains functions over these deviated systems, improving more than just the neuro-musculoskeletal. Everything from the circulatory to digestive systems are improved. 

Unlike general physical therapy, PTX therapy treats the body’s connected issues that cause pain. Additionally, PTX is a more holistic approach that doesn’t implement the usual therapy treatments. These include the common physical therapy treatments like muscle-stim, massage, ultrasound, and heat/ice therapy.

PTX therapy offers many benefits to patients. These include:

  • Specific sequencing of therapeutic exercises that are geared toward the individual 

  • Increase of stability and movement with natural resistance exercises

  • Improvement in physical deviations by correcting posture and alignment

  • Positioning the body for optimal gravity and balance

  • Stabilizing injuries by improving flexibility and strength

  • Reengaging the spine and pelvis position for long-term improvement

How Physical Therapy in Edgewater Can Help

You don’t have to wait to see if PTX is right for you. If you experience severe muscle and joint pain, PTX therapy can help. PTX therapy offers a long-term, holistic solution that helps patients with persistent pain. It focuses on your specific healing process without the use of typical physical therapy solutions. 

Physical Therapy will develop a treatment plan that will help realign your body. Heal your body’s deviations through proper straightening and strengthening exercises curated by a specialist.

A typical patient treatment plan includes:

  • Breaking down incorrect patterns in the body

  • Reconnecting your body through proper coordination

  • Rebuilding your body through strength and movement patterns

PTX therapy can help patients who are just starting their healing journey or looking for a different healing solution. Schedule an appointment today.

Bethany Mahaffey